Tuesday 19 March 2019



Abortion is the deliberate termination of pregnancy most often performed during the first 28 week of pregnancy. These days we living in the world of choices which of abortion has become one.abortion is legal in this country which is leading to everyone to have choices. we can not really say its a bad thing to do a good thing to do, people have different reasons when they do it.As myself i am not against abortion.

Advantages of abortion

The advantages of using #Abortion on social media is that people who do not have knowledge about it will get to learn more about abortion and if its safe to do it or not.
it also give women the ability to choose whether or not they want to have the baby they have been impregnated with.

It  is also an advantage when it comes to foster care, if abortion was not legalized, the wouldn't be enough space for all the kids that the parents don't want.

  • legal abortions prevent dangerous backstreet ones
  • life does not really start until baby is born, woman is already a person with greater rights

  • Disadvantages of abortion

    having to deal with this #Abortion on social media is very hard because lot of people are against it.not everyone will get to support my point of view because in lot of religion lot of peope belive in different things.

    • especially when it comes to youth or teen that has terminated, they get to live with guilt in their entire life .
    • if you are an adult that has engaged in pregnancy termination, yo will face the guilt if you find that you cant have children anymore.

    Recommendations of abortion

    The global women’s movement has fought for many years to affirm safe and legal abortion as a fundamental right, and the global trend has been toward the liberalization of abortion laws.Despite this progress, persistent barriers prevent these laws and policies from expanding women’s access to services.

    One such obstacle is the growing use of religious or conscience claims by health care professionals to justify their refusal to provide abortion services. Mislabeled as “conscientious objection,” a concept historically associated with the right to refuse to take part in military service on religious or moral grounds, the practice has been aggressively promoted by anti-choice movements.

    what i can recommend is that women should have choices and be wise when they take decision, always try to talk with other women or have a campaign when you facing challenges after terminating.if you cant get over it then you can attend the women campaign.

    Monday 18 March 2019



    As the world turns, drugs floods our streets, circulate in our community like sweet candy's. With so easy access to drugs, youth normalized the use of drugs. The most common drug is Cat, Nyaope, whoonga and mostly excess use of lean syrup. All these drugs are compounded from Cocaine and tik, with a reduced value to be affordable.

    Advantages of using drugs

    Drugs that are defined as mind altering substance and therapeutic.

    Drugs that don't pose a threat are Marijuana and Kratom . They legal and extremely safe and not strong enough to get you addicted.

          Medical Marijuana 

    Doctors prescribe weed for clients that suffers from different diseases like epilepsy, Dravet syndrome; and Lennox-gastaut syndrome.

          Kratom prescription

    Kratom help people to ease pain as it is opioid. Doctors use it to treat their patients that are suffering from psychosis and seizures.

    It is very easy to use #DrugsDestroyLives in social media because it trends very fast and in no time people will be knowing about it.social media like Twitter and Instagram

    Disadvantages of using drugs.

    The dangers of using drugs are the highest risk of sickness, physical appearance and accidents:
    • Sickness 
    Some drugs cause hallucinations, people turn to lose their minds. They cause lung disease.

    • Physical appearance 
    Observing youth, most of them get to change how they look, some lose weight and some stop taking care of themselves and end up by the streets.

    • Accidents 
    These days people have courage to drive after taking drugs which is dangerous. Statically lot of people who die from accidents are people who are found with drugs after tests being taken. People lose lives over drugs.

    The bad thing about using this # on social media is that some people who are really addicted might say bad things about it which is not good, they wont get to support our point or idea.
    Recommendations to #DrugsDestroyLives

    It's very hard for People who suffer from drug addiction to stop using them. Recommendation for that would be a rehab. Going to rehab could help them recover.

    Try to gather as youth or anyone who suffer from drugs addiction and discuss problems that makes them take drugs and come with solutions that can help them quit.create an Awareness campaign about #DrugsDestroyLives.


    #Abortion Abortion is the deliberate termination of pregnancy most often performed during the first 28 week of pregnancy. These days we li...