Monday, 18 March 2019



As the world turns, drugs floods our streets, circulate in our community like sweet candy's. With so easy access to drugs, youth normalized the use of drugs. The most common drug is Cat, Nyaope, whoonga and mostly excess use of lean syrup. All these drugs are compounded from Cocaine and tik, with a reduced value to be affordable.

Advantages of using drugs

Drugs that are defined as mind altering substance and therapeutic.

Drugs that don't pose a threat are Marijuana and Kratom . They legal and extremely safe and not strong enough to get you addicted.

      Medical Marijuana 

Doctors prescribe weed for clients that suffers from different diseases like epilepsy, Dravet syndrome; and Lennox-gastaut syndrome.

      Kratom prescription

Kratom help people to ease pain as it is opioid. Doctors use it to treat their patients that are suffering from psychosis and seizures.

It is very easy to use #DrugsDestroyLives in social media because it trends very fast and in no time people will be knowing about media like Twitter and Instagram

Disadvantages of using drugs.

The dangers of using drugs are the highest risk of sickness, physical appearance and accidents:
  • Sickness 
Some drugs cause hallucinations, people turn to lose their minds. They cause lung disease.

  • Physical appearance 
Observing youth, most of them get to change how they look, some lose weight and some stop taking care of themselves and end up by the streets.

  • Accidents 
These days people have courage to drive after taking drugs which is dangerous. Statically lot of people who die from accidents are people who are found with drugs after tests being taken. People lose lives over drugs.

The bad thing about using this # on social media is that some people who are really addicted might say bad things about it which is not good, they wont get to support our point or idea.
Recommendations to #DrugsDestroyLives

It's very hard for People who suffer from drug addiction to stop using them. Recommendation for that would be a rehab. Going to rehab could help them recover.

Try to gather as youth or anyone who suffer from drugs addiction and discuss problems that makes them take drugs and come with solutions that can help them quit.create an Awareness campaign about #DrugsDestroyLives.


  1. Drug addiction is real and its time we combat this life destroyer

    1. Precisely. It's something you can't overcome alone. Help from outside could really do.

  2. One lie told about drugs is that they help a person become more creative. The truth is quite different.Drugs can lift a person into a fake kind of cheerfulness, but when the drug wears off, he or she crashes even lower than before.Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted. So, while providing short-term help in the relief of pain, they also wipe out ability and alertness and muddy one’s thinking.

    1. This is interesting.well,I like your point of view. Just all in short and nothing to add on. Let's say no to drugs

  3. Unpopular fact is there is no advantage in drugs ,too much of any drug is dangerous

    1. It's something that you will need when you unconscious. That's the only advantage you can get out of the drugs only when the doctor prescribed to use it.

  4. With regard to weed or Marijuana it depends on how you use it. If you abuse this kind of drugs it can cause severe damage that can be caused by any other drugs, but if you use it properly with caution, you can enjoy this beautiful natural herb for as long as you live with no problems. Marijuana gives you the chill out you need in life, and in some cases depending on a person it can make you focus and enjoy whatever you're up to.


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